A Safe Home for
Rescued Farmed Animals

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Meet the Sheep


Maia was our very first rescued resident, having previously endured years of being exploited in the meat industry.

She has experienced years of pregnancy and births only to have her babies removed and taken to market each year when they reached 4 months old.

Maia arrived pregnant again but this time she kept her three babies and they now live together as a close family with other sheep friends.

While at a local farm to collect Fluffy, Edi was born as the third of a triplet. Sheep mums will usually only look after two lambs so the farmer donated her.

Edie came to live in the kitchen at Greenwood with Fluffy and was given colostrum and then formula milk around the clock to grow and gain strength.

She eventually went outside into the field and then as she got older she moved in with the other sheep.

She is a real character and always after everyone else’s food.


Freeda is one of the triplets born to Maia. She stayed with her mum for two weeks before joining Fluffy and Edie for bottle feeding as she wasn’t able to feed as much as she needed to.

Freeda bonded instantly with Fluffy and Edie and they all moved out into the field together.

She joined up again with her siblings and became one of the gang. She is so sweet and follows the crowd.

Fluffy was given to Greenwood by a local farmer when he was a day old. He lived in the Greenwood kitchen and was has hand reared with Edie and Frieda.

He went out to join the other sheep when he was about 4 months old, the same age that farmed lambs are send to market for slaughter.

Fluffy is a strong leader in the flock although he never uses aggression or butting to get his way. He has grown up to be a large and strong young male and is always there to welcome you to his fields when he sees you come over.


Dottie was born at Greenwood on the 4th February 2022 in the very early hours, after her mum Maia arrived pregnant. Dottie has been able to grow up with her mum and her brother, and best friend Domino.

Dottie and Domino are inseparable, spending all their time together. They love to jump around and are happy care-free spirits.

Domino was born at Greenwood on the 4th February 2022 in the very early hours, after his mum Maia arrived pregnant. Domino has been able to grow up with his mum and his sister, and best friend Dotty.

Dottie and Domino are inseparable, spending all their time together. They love to jump around and are happy care-free spirits.

He is protective of his mum and sister and likes to seem himself as the leader of the pack (although really it is Fluffy!)


Billy and Ada, lived for 5 years as ‘pet’ sheep before coming to Greenwood. After a period of settling in, they joined the main flock.

Billy is loyal and headstrong – he knows his own mind and does only what he chooses. Billy will move fields to fresh ground and new stable when he decides he wants to. He is strong and steady and looks after his sister.

He is playful and loves to come over to give you a light hearted butt.

Billy and Ada, lived for 5 years as ‘pet’ sheep before coming to Greenwood. After a period of settling in, they joined the main flock.

Ada is the queen of chill and wants to spend life having as little stress as possible.

She is independent even though her brother watches over her 24/7, she doesn’t mind at all as she knows he is always there.
