Meet the Rabbits

Sponsor AvalineOn the 18th February 2024, Avaline arrived at Greenwood from another sanctuary that was downsizing.
Before arriving there, she was living a terrible life on a rabbit meat and fur farm. Avaline was saved by activists as part of an open rescue.
She lives here with her four sons with plenty of space and choice of housing and hiding places.
She has fresh food available including carrot tops, kale, spinach, cavelo nero, greens as well as regular rabbit pellets and treats.
Sponsor NitroNitro is one of Avaline’s sons and came to Greenwood with his mum and three brothers.
They all. live together as a family.
Nitro has a cataract and can only see from one eye. He is loving life at Greenwood and climbs and jumps on all the activity equipment.
They all eat fresh leaves and vegetables twice a day and Nitro loves his fresh hay when it is delivered every afternoon.

Sponsor BrambleBramble has exactly the same markings as his mum, Avaline and came here with her and his three brothers.
If they had been born into the meat farm industry, he would have already been slaughtered and also had his fur ripped out for hat pom poms and trim on hoods.
He has never known the cruelty and exploitation his mum went through.
Sponsor HazelHazel, stands out from his family as he is completely black
He came here with his mum and three brothers from another sanctuary.
He is confident and always first to wait for his mealtimes.
He enjoys the different hides and nest areas and at night he jumps onto the highest point in the run to watch over the sanctuary

Sponsor GraffitiGraffiti has similar markings as his mum, Avaline and his brother Bramble.
You always know when you are saying hello to Graffiti as he has a white nose and a white mark on the top of his head.
All the rabbit family names relate to the activist event when they were rescued from the meat and fur farm and the code names used to plan and execute the rescue.